Dental Hygiene (DNHY)
DNHY 1100 Dental Hygiene Clinical Review Course I 1 Credit
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
This specialized course provides review and practical application in the topics of infection control, functions of the dental hygienist, dental radiology, medical emergencies, and clinical procedures, to prepare students to be successful in DNHY 1125 Practice Clinic I.
(3 contact hours: 3 clinical)
DNHY 1110 Introduction to Preventive Oral Hygiene 5 Credits
Prerequisite: admission to Dental Hygiene program.
This course introduces students to the scope, role and responsibilities of dental hygiene; the philosophy of oral health and its relevance to dental hygiene, focusing on the causes, development, treatment, and prevention of all deposits on the teeth; and oral inspection; history taking; asepsis; medical and dental emergencies; and principles of oral debriding technique. Laboratory experience includes practice on both manikins and dental partners.
(11 contact hours: 2 lecture, 9 lab)
DNHY 1111 Anatomy of Orofacial Structures 4 Credits
Prerequisite: admission to Dental Hygiene program.
This course specializes in the study of the gross and microscopic anatomy of the head and neck, including embryonic development of the head. It includes a study of the morphological characteristics of the teeth, with emphasis on positional relations.
(7 contact hours: 3 lecture, 4 lab)
DNHY 1112 Dental Radiology 3 Credits
Prerequisite: admission to Dental Hygiene program.
This course emphasizes radiographic theory and technique; the history, development, nature, and properties of the x-ray; and safety precautions and uses of x-rays in dentistry. Laboratory experience provides the opportunity for practice in film placement, processing, and mounting and tube angulation.
(5 contact hours: 2 lecture, 3 lab)
DNHY 1122 Nutrition and Preventive Oral Hygiene Concepts 2 Credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 1200 or high school biology, admission to Dental Hygiene program, DNHY 1125 (must be taken concurrently).
This course focuses on basic concepts of nutrition as they affect health and disease. It emphasizes principles of nutrition as they affect oral health, with application to patient education, plaque control measures, and diet/nutritional counseling.
(2 contact hours)
DNHY 1123 General and Oral Pathology 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1111.
This course introduces concepts of general and oral pathology, including a study of the basic pathological processes of disease. It emphasizes recognizing and understanding the clinical manifestations of diseases and conditions affecting the surrounding oral tissues, including the teeth and supporting structures. It also includes instruction in the visual differentiation of normal and abnormal states.
(2 contact hours)
DNHY 1124 Periodontics I 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1110.
This course introduces the study of periodontal disease. It emphasizes the concepts of histopathology, pathogenicity, systemic implications, screening/monitoring, therapies, and treatment planning.
(2 contact hours)
DNHY 1125 Dental Hygiene Practice-Clinic I 3 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1110, DNHY 1122 (must be taken concurrently), DNHY 1126 (must be taken concurrently).
This course specializes in the clinical application of concepts and theory of dental hygiene. Under the direct supervision and evaluation of faculty members, students will perform oral prophylaxis, expose radiographs, apply topical fluoride, and provide patient education for both adults and children in the clinic.
(9 contact hours: 9 clinical)
DNHY 1126 Dental Hygiene Practice-Seminar I 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 1110, DNHY 1125 (must be taken concurrently).
This course focuses on effective communication with patients, diversity/cultural diversity, and implications with the use of tobacco products. It also covers the preparation and presentation of a table clinic and includes discussion of clinical cases and occurrences in the clinical area.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 1127 Current Concepts in Dental Materials 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1111.
This course specializes in the study of the physical properties, manipulative properties, and uses of dental materials commonly used in the dental office. Laboratory practice provides students with the opportunity to work on placing rubber dams, inserting temporary restorative materials in prepared teeth, and fabricating athletic mouthguards. Other exercises provide practice in the manipulation of selected materials and include making alginate impressions, fabricating study models, applying sealants to extracted teeth, applying periodontal packs, and removing sutures.
(4 contact hours: 1 lecture, 3 lab)
DNHY 2005 Pain Management for Dental Hygienists 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1110, DNHY 1111.
This course specializes in the administration of local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and oxygen sedation. Discussion focuses on neurophysiology, clinical action of specific agents, and pharmacology of local anesthetic and vasoconstrictors, armamentarium and their preparation, local and systemic complications, and legal considerations.
(4 contact hours: 1 lecture, 3 lab)
DNHY 2110 Periodontics II 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 1124.
This course emphasizes the treatment of periodontal disease. Topics include occlusion, surgical techniques, regenerative therapy, bone replacement therapy, chemotherapeutics, oral irrigation, dental implants, and the healing of wounds. The course also focuses on treatment planning, including properly indicated treatment modalities.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 2111 Dental Pharmacology and Pain Control 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 2005.
This course specializes in the control of pain involved in dental procedures. Discussion focuses on the use of drugs and anesthetics, including their use in dental practice, their physical and chemical properties, their routes of administration, their effects on the body's systems, and the interactions that can occur.
(2 contact hours)
DNHY 2112 Community Dental Health I 1 Credit
Prerequisite: second year standing in Dental Hygiene program.
This course focuses on the study of the concepts of oral health instruction as applied to the community or group. It introduces students to educational methodology, media, and resources for oral health instruction.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 2113 Dental Specialties and Extended Dental Hygiene Functions 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 1126.
This course introduces students to all phases of dentistry, with special emphasis in the areas of endodontics, orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, research, oral/maxillofacial surgery, and dental assisting techniques used in the various specialties.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 2114 Dental Hygiene Practice-Clinic II 4 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 1125, DNHY 2005, DNHY 2115 (must be taken concurrently).
This course provides continued specialized clinical experience, implementation of POH (plaque/disease control program) root planing, periodontal debridement, and ultrasonic scaling techniques, under the direction, supervision, and evaluation of faculty.
(12 contact hours: 12 clinical)
DNHY 2115 Dental Hygiene Practice-Seminar II 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 1126, DNHY 2114 (must be taken concurrently).
This course introduces and applies the principles of files, hoes, air/powder polishing, and ultrasonic instrumentation. It also addresses content in the areas of diagnostic procedures available to dental offices, federal agencies involved with healthcare, family abuse and neglect, and substance abuse. Discussion focuses on current clinical cases and problems that arise in the clinical area.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 2126 Practice Management 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 2113.
This course introduces students to the future of dentistry and the role of the dental hygienist in the profession and association. It includes discussion of the relationship of the dental hygienist to other members of the dental health team and the principles of professional ethics, laws, and regulations related to dentistry and dental hygiene. The course also introduces students to administration and office management.
(1 contact hour)
DNHY 2127 Community Dental Health II 2 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 2112.
This course specializes in the study of the historical development of community health practices and the administration, purposes, and functions of public health agencies. It includes discussion of biostatistical concepts, research methodologies, assessment of current dental literature, as well as project planning, operation, and evaluation of community health activities. Community involvement includes extramural assignments to school systems and community agencies.
(3 contact hours: 1 lecture, 2 lab)
DNHY 2128 Dental Hygiene Practice-Clinic III 4 Credits
Prerequisite: DNHY 2114, DNHY 2129 (must be taken concurrently).
This course is a continuation of DNHY 2114 Dental Hygiene Practice - Clinic II. It provides continued specialized clinical experience in application of dental hygiene practice theory and concepts. In addition, students will implement in-depth treatment planning. This experience will be under the direction, supervision, and evaluation of faculty.
(12 contact hours: 12 clinical)
DNHY 2129 Dental Hygiene Practice-Seminar III 1 Credit
Prerequisite: DNHY 2115, DNHY 2128 (must be taken concurrently).
This course provides continued specialized consideration and review of patient services and variables in patient treatment and dental hygiene care. It includes continued correlation of classroom concepts to practice through discussion and exercises in making informed judgments. It also includes discussion of clinical cases.
(1 contact hour)