Criminal Justice (CRMJ)

CRMJ 1110 Introduction to Criminal Justice (CTAG, TAG) 3 Credits

This course surveys the complexities and diversity of the U.S. Criminal Justice system, providing an overview of historical and contemporary legal issues, legislative policy, law enforcement, court and correctional theories, goals, strategies, and ethical practices.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 1117 Community Policing (TAG) 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course introduces students to the historic and cultural relationships between individuals, communities, and policing in the United States. The course includes policing roles, duties, styles, subculture, and discretion, and their impact on ethical police practices relating to prejudice, perception, discrimination, deviance, labeling, conflict, communication, specific subcultures, the homeless, physically and mentally challenged individuals, alternative lifestyles, and victims of violence.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 1130 Crisis Intervention 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110 or HMSV 1115 or permission of instructor.

Students will be introduced to the critical role that crisis intervention plays in both law enforcement and the larger criminal justice system. This course provides an overview and basic understanding of the human biological and psychological factors that impact the process of crisis intervention. Approaches to and techniques of crisis intervention, communication, and de-escalation are reviewed. Practical and ethical strategies for coping with crises such as suicide, homicide, sexual assault, and mental health problems are reviewed from a law enforcement perspective.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 1211 Community Corrections (TAG) 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course examines historical, current, and future correctional alternatives to incarceration for both juvenile and adult offenders. It introduces students to various topics, including model institutional systems and programs; such community-based interventions as probation, community correction centers, community treatment centers, and house arrest; required community resources; ethical and legal issues; and problems associated with the supervision of inmates with special needs.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 1230 Crime Scene Investigation 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course will serve as an introduction to the practice of crime scene investigation. Through lectures, case studies, readings, and hands-on practical exercises, students will learn about the types of physical evidence, crime scene documentation procedures, proper collection methods, and the subsequent scientific analyses available to assist in a criminal investigation.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2210 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1117 or CRMJ 1211.

This course introduces an in-depth review of the fundamentals of ethical decision making within the U.S. criminal justice system, including ethical theory; doctrines; dilemmas; and principles common to the police, courts, and correctional subsystems.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2212 Criminal Law 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course provides an in-depth examination of criminal law, including sources of law, capacity to commit crimes, defenses, and elements of select statutes.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2213 Criminal Investigation 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course reintroduces basic methodologies used to legally and ethically investigate a wide variety of crimes. Students will learn techniques for gathering information; processing crime scenes; and collecting, recording, and preserving physical evidence. Students will learn how to use deductive reasoning in solving crimes through the use of practical problems.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2214 Introduction to Police Management and Supervision 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1117.

This course provides an introduction to police management and supervision including the historical evolution of policing; ethical, legal, and political principles of police organizations; strategic planning and staffing; delivery of police services; and innovative programs. Students will learn how to apply principles and methods through the use of practical exercises and hands-on exercises.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2216 Criminal Procedure 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 2212 or permission of instructor.

This course provides an in-depth examination of applicable Supreme Court decisions, Ohio Rules of Procedure, Ohio Rules of Evidence, and Ohio case law to re-acquaint students with the procedures used by police to prosecute criminals, from initial investigation through trial. Students will also learn what criminal and civil penalties may be incurred for failure to follow established guidelines.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2219 Correctional Practices and Challenges 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110, CRMJ 1211.

This course provides an in-depth examination of contemporary issues facing U.S. correctional staff and administrators. It provides students with the opportunity to research and discuss such ethical and current challenges as correctional theory, privatization, inmate medical needs, services and programming, special population needs, staff health-wellness, civil liability, and correctional technology.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2231 Juvenile Delinquency 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course provides an in-depth survey of the historical and contemporary structure and operation of the juvenile justice system. Students will examine major theories of delinquency causation and explore problems of law, politics, philosophy, and sociology as they relate to delinquency prevention, control, and reform. Case studies provide students with an opportunity to apply theories to practical situations.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2239 Criminal Justice Internship 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110; or permission of instructor.

This course helps students explore criminal justice careers and prepare for the hiring process in the criminal justice field. Students will learn the steps in the hiring process, and have the opportunity to work with experienced professionals in an agency setting. Students volunteer to work seven hours per week in an agency which is representative of their program of study and attend weekly two-hour, class sessions. Students must obtain approval from the host agency and may be required to undergo a background investigation. Students should obtain agency approval prior to the start of the semester in which they take the practicum.

(9 contact hours: 2 lecture, 7 lab)

CRMJ 2244 Criminology (TAG) 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110.

This course provides an in-depth survey of the historical and theoretical development of the disciplines of criminology, the sociology of criminal law, and patterns of criminal behavior and measurements of crime. The course reintroduces students to the complexities and difficulties associated with the enforcement and administration of criminal law, the social reactions to crime and public policy, and the issues and challenges to future crime control in U.S. society.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2250 Current Issues in Criminal Justice 3 Credits

Prerequisite: 48 credits towards a Criminal Justice degree, CRMJ 2210; or permission of instructor.

This course provides students with the opportunity to research, present, and discuss current problems and issues which face the criminal justice system. It provides information on topics that are subject to current debate in criminal justice.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2260 Interview and Interrogation 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1117 or CRMJ 1211.

This course helps students develop skills necessary to elicit information from witnesses and confessions from offenders. Students will learn to interpret body gestures and establish environments conducive to effective communications. Lab exercises provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate these skills in a realistic setting.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2270 Advanced Crime Scene Investigation 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1230 or permission of instructor.

This course builds upon the foundational knowledge obtained in Crime Scene Investigation (CRMJ 1230) and provides an in-depth examination of the advanced forensic techniques used to investigate violent crime. Through hands-on exercises, students will become proficient in documenting, processing, and preserving physical evidence as well as the management and coordination of complex crimes. Topics will include advanced bloodstain pattern analysis, searching for latent blood, shooting incident reconstruction, crime scene photography, forensic archaeology, and forensic entomology.

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2290 Deviance in American Society 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110 or SOCY 1150.

This course provides a survey of the cultural and historical experiences and perceptions of social deviance in U.S. society. This involves exploring the social processes through which behaviors and statuses come to be defined as deviant, the theories of deviant behavior and labels, the methods of studying deviance, and the patterns of social controls practiced to address deviant behavior. This course is cross-listed as SOCY 2290 Deviance in American Society. Students who have taken the course under the alternative course ID should not take this course. contact

(3 contact hours)

CRMJ 2900 Special Topics in Criminal Justice 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRMJ 1110 These specialized courses provide in-depth examinations of criminal justice topics and contemporary issues not covered in detail elsewhere in the curriculum.

(1-3 contact hours)