Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish I (TAG) 4 Credits

This course is the first in the two-course Elementary Spanish sequence. It introduces the study of functional Spanish, with emphasis on speaking, writing, and understanding oral and written Spanish in basic and simple situations and texts. Students will be able to greet, introduce, and describe people; talk about themselves, their families, jobs, houses, and daily activities; express likes and dislikes; discuss daily activities, incorporating reflexive verbs, travel and clothing; fill out a job application; understand and give basic instructions using commands; and write and read basic texts and tell stories in the present, preterit, and imperfect tenses. The course includes intensive listening comprehension training through the use of audiovisual and multimedia materials and discussion of cultural topics.

(4 contact hours)

SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish II (TAG) 4 Credits

Prerequisite: SPAN 1001 or permission of instructor.

This course is the second in the two-course Elementary Spanish sequence. It includes an introduction to the subjunctive mood; the future, conditional, and perfect tenses; relative pronouns; certain prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs; and negative expressions. Communicative situations include the expression of emotion, doubt, disbelief, denial, possibility, advice and suggestion; and the narration of events in the past, present, and future. The course continues intensive listening comprehension training and cultural discussion.

(4 contact hours)

SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish I 3 Credits

Prerequisite: SPAN 1002 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

This course is based on the integration of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. Students accomplish real-world communicative tasks in culturally appropriate ways as they gain familiarity with the target culture. Students learn grammar, vocabulary, and structures to enable them to meet functional performance goals at this level and to build a foundation for continued language learning. During this course, students can consistently perform in the novice range while more abilities emerge and develop in the intermediate range. This course is taught in Spanish.

(3 contact hours)

SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish II 3 Credits

Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 or equivalent or permission of the instructor or department chair.

This is the second of two courses in the intermediate Spanish sequence. In this course students continue their intensive review and expansion of Spanish grammar through extensive language use, and accomplish real-world communicative tasks in culturally appropriate ways. This course integrates listening comprehension, writing, reading, and oral production at the interpersonal and presentational levels with cultural contents, and offers continuous opportunity for practice. Problems of lexical usage and idiomatic expressions are also addressed. This course is taught in Spanish.

(3 contact hours)

SPAN 2003 Spanish Composition and Grammar 3 Credits

Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 or permission of instructor.

This course is intended to increase grammar competence and develop students' abilities in composition tasks that reflect the kind of writing generally required of Spanish majors and minors. The topics, activities, and exercises included in this course will help students to expand and refine a number of writing tools - control of grammar, range of vocabulary, rhetorical techniques for organizing information - as well as strategies for getting started, characterizing the reader, reading critically, peer editing, revising, and rewriting. This course is taught in Spanish.

(3 contact hours)